Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Are You an Introvert? A Test for Introverted Personality Traits

This test for introverted personality traits not only reveals if you’re an introvert, it describes the top signs of introversion – some of which will surprise you.
This personality test is from The Introvert Advantage by Marti Olsen Laney (the link to Amazon is below).
For instance, did you know that introverts don’t think of casual acquaintances as friends? And, introverts take a long time to sort out information…and they dread returning phone calls (that’s me!).
“Introverts enjoy time alone, consider only deep relationships as friends, and feel drained after outside activities, even if they were fun” says Marti Olsen Laney, author of The Introvert & Extrovert in Love: Making It Work When Opposites Attract.
Laney also says these famous female actresses are introverts: Gwyneth Paltrow, Helen Hunt, Meg Ryan, Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton, Grace Kelly, Julia Robert, Michelle Pfeiffer, Ingrid Bergman, Candice Bergen, and Glenn Close. Wow! We’re all in good company, then :-) .

A Test for Introverted Personality Traits

Answer true or false to the following questions about introversion and extroversion:
1. I like to have long, uninterrupted periods to work on projects, rather than small chunks.
2. I sometimes rehearse things before speaking, occasionally writing notes to myself.
3. I like to listen more than talk.
4. People sometimes think I’m quiet, mysterious, aloof or calm.
5. I usually need to think before I respond or speak.
6. I like to share special occasions with just one or two people, rather than have a big celebration.
7. I tend to notice details many people don’t see.
8. If two people have just had an argument, I feel the tension in the air.
9. If I say I’ll do something, I almost always do it.
10. I feel anxious if I have a deadline or pressure.
11. I can zone out if too much is going on.
12. I like to watch an activity for awhile before joining in.
13. I form lasting relationships.
14. I don’t like to interrupt others; I don’t like to be interrupted.
15. When I take in lots of information, it takes me awhile to sort it out.
16. I don’t like overstimulating environments.
17. I sometimes have strong reactions to smells, tastes, foods, weather, and noise.
18. I am creative and/or imaginative.
19. I feel drained after social situations, even when I enjoy myself.
20. I prefer to be introduced rather than having to introduce others.
21. I often feel uncomfortable in new surroundings.
22. I can become grouchy if I’m around people or activities for too long.
23. I often dread returning phone calls.
24. I like people to come to my home, but I don’t like them to stay a long time.
25. I find my mind sometimes goes blank when I meet people or when I am asked to speak unexpectedly.
26. I talk slowly or have gaps in my words, especially if I’m tired or if I’m trying to think and speak at once.
27. I don’t think of acquaintances as close friends.
28. I feel as if I can’t show other people my ideas until they’re fully formulated.
29. Other people may surprise me by thinking I’m smarter than I am.

Are you an introvert? Finding the answers to this personality test is easy

Simply add up your “true” responses. The more “trues” you have, the more introverted personality traits or introversion signs you possess…
20-29 “true” responses means you’re a true introvert (like me!). “Only deep relationships measure up as friendships and you use them to relax. You need to mentally rest throughout the day, even after enjoyable activities. Because you will draw a blank under pressure, prepare for meetings, talks, and even parties beforehand. Accept your nature and learn to politely fend off energy-draining people.”
10-19 “true” responses means you’re both introverted and extroverted. “You sometimes feel torn between the desire to dance in the streets and walk alone on the beach. Notice this, so you can keep your energy consistent. You judge yourself through your thoughts and feelings, and through others, leaving you with a broad view that is sometimes difficult to straddle.”
1-9 “true” responses means you’re an extrovert. “You relish variety, have lots of ‘close, personal’ friends and will chat with complete strangers. Your stimulation is all external, so you talk, think, and act quickly. As you reach midlife, however, you may need to take a break from the high life to reflect, even though it goes against your nature.”

Is Your Life Boring? 115 Things to Do When You’re Bored

This boredom survival guide doesn’t just include 115 things to do when you’re bored, it has tips for making money from your boring life!
These boredom busters aren’t just for kids who are bored during summer vacation…many adults need things to do when they’re bored at work, bored at home, and bored with their lives.
“There comes a moment in the day when you have written your pages in the morning, attended to your correspondence in the afternoon, and have nothing further to do. Then comes that hour when you are bored; that’s the time for [fill in the blank with a boredom buster!]…” ~ H.G. Wells.
Do you like board games? I don’t. But, someone recently alerted me to Cards Against Humanity - it’s the most popular game on Amazon right now. If you’re a bored kid, you have to ask your parents if you’re allowed to play this game, though.
If you’re an adult who is bored beyond belief with your life, read Beyond Boredom and Anxiety: Experiencing Flow in Work and Play. It’ll give you a fresh perspective on your boring old life, and give you at least one healthy, interesting thing to do when you’re bored: read!
One of my friends builds guitars — that’s his favorite thing to do when he’s bored. You could try learning a musical instrument – it’s good for your brain and it’ll give you something interesting to do. I recently started playing the flute again, and will be joining an orchestra soon. If you love to listen to music, you’ll LOVE learning how to play an instrument.

115 (or so) Things to Do When You’re Bored

1. Make homemade lavender ice cream (get creative with your flavors)
1.  Count the number of duplicate numbers in this list (this is your first!)
2. Make chocolate or hemp soap as a gift for someone
2. Make up your own reality show
3. Make up with someone you’re fighting with
4. Clean out your junk drawer or medicine cabinet
5. Set smart financial goals – or figure out how to pay off your debt
6. Pluck your eyebrows
6. Write what it’s like to live with chronic illness
7. Make a list of things you love about your partner, child, or parent
7. Learn what your favourite dog breed reveals about your personality
8. Listen to soothing music or soft rock
9. Read a thriller or juicy romance novel (thanks @Lynn_Murphy for this boredom buster!)
10.  Write your own thriller or juicy romance novel
11.  Update your email list
12.  Email your friends and ask for their favorite things to do when they’re bored
13.  Trade Wii games and gear with your friends — or try the newest Wii games
14.  Write an apology to someone you’ve been avoiding
15.  Bake oatmeal chocolate chunk coconut cookies (one of my favorite things to do when I’m bored)
16.  Memorize 5 new words from the dictionary
17.  Play web sudoku – thanks @BJMuntain for this boredom buster
18.  Organize your recipes
19.  Read your old diaries
20.  Find a volunteer job
21.  Try aromatherapy
22.  Make your Christmas wish list
23. Start thinking about Christmas shopping, even if you’re bored in the summer
23.  Freewrite everything that pops into your head
24.  Clean the bathroom
25.  Do an office workout (if you’re bored at work)
26.  Make a list of things to do before you die
27.  Make someone happy
28.  Explore ways to be more spiritual
29.  Balance your checkbook (which might make you even more bored)
30.  Give yourself a manicure or pedicure
31.  Give your partner a manicure or pedicure
32.  Find a new hobby
33.  Find a new way to make friends
34.  Find a new pet
35.  Find a new way to improve your love relationship
36.  Start looking for Halloween costumes
37.  Go outside
38.  Pretend you’re a tourist in your own city
39.  Wash your dog
40.  Brush your cat
41.  Brush your mom’s hair
42.  Go to the library (one of my favorite things to do when I’m bored)
42. Be a Big Sister or Big Brother
43.  Clean out your closet
44.  Donate your preloved clothes to charity
44. Start planning your next birthday party!
45.  Watch old movies
46.  Learn how vision boards help you achieve your goals
47.  Join a MeetUp group
48.  Start a MeetUp group (a great thing to do when you’re bored!)
49.  Clean out your kitchen cupboards
50.  Write a letter
51.  Update your resume
52.  Google old friends
53.  Play Lexulous on Facebook – thanks @venusvision for this boredom buster
54.  Clip your nose hairs
55.  Learn to crochet or knit
56.  Rearrange your living room
57.  Go to the dog park
58.  Face your demons
59.  Plan your next party
60.  Pray or meditate
61.  Practice self-hypnosis
62.  Plan your next vacation (I love exploring cheap vacation packages when I’m bored!)
63.  Make a “to do” list for tomorrow
64.  Read poetry
65.  Research your family tree
66.  Make a household budget
67.  Take a bubble bath
68.  Download your photos – you’ll see you haven’t had a boring life
69.  Knit – thanks @SimplyForties for this boredom buster
70.  Organize your finances
71.  Sweep your deck or balcony
72.  Write a short story
73.  Pretend you’re asleep
74.  Explore different ways to achieve fitness goals
75.  Draw your bedroom
76.  Sort through old photos (one of my favorite things to do when I’m bored)
77.  Make a scrapbook
78.  Play online trivia games
79.  Go for a walk
80.  Pick up trash in your neighborhood
81.  Get a job (unless you’re looking for things to do because you’re bored at work!)
82.  Write a song
83.  Start a blog (but not a boring one!)
84.  Write a blog post about how boring your life is
85.  Change your blog theme
86.  Dust the shelves
87.  Listen to talk radio
88.  Talk a walk down memory lane
89.  Putter
90.  Grab a yoga mat, focus on deep breathing, and re-energize with deep stretching – thanks @catlover1964 for this boredom buster
91.  Do crossword puzzles
92.  Wax your bikini line
93.  Give yourself a massage
94.  Create a unique board game
95.  Learn how to deal with toxic relatives
96.  Clean out old computer files
97.  Paint a self portrait
98.  Learn to juggle (one of my husband’s favorite things to do when he’s bored)
99.  Read old magazines
100. Tweet! – thanks @runaholickassy for this boredom buster
101. Lie on the grass
102. Lie in the snow
103. Lie in the rain
104. Don’t lie to yourself
104. Toilet train your cat
105. Listen to different types of music
106. Try to make it through an hour without touching the floor (thanks Eliza for sharing this creative thing to do when you’re bored!)
107. Make silver coins with foil, and create a treasure hunt (thanks Renee for this boredom buster!)
108. Turn the music up LOUD and DANCE your boredom away (thanks Macie for this fun thing to do when you’re bored!)
109. Tell me how many “things to do when you’re bored” are actually on this list (I honestly have no idea, because of the duplicates)
110. Tell me one way to improve this blog – what would you do differently if it was yours?

Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Your pet can help you heal

"I felt like Brownie had miraculously entered my life to help me walk through the awful time." - Vrinda Bhosale, front desk executive
When Vrinda was 19, she lost her husband and was left all alone to taste the bitter part of life. She says, "I was pregnant when my husband met with an accident. Since his demise, I started getting suicidal. It was then that my mother-in-law introduced me to Brownie, a cute little puppy. I used to spend hours, playing and cuddling with him. He eventually helped me walk away from my misery and become more positive in life."

With a sad note she adds, "Brownie left us when he was 12. He had been my protector, healer, counsellor and definitely my best buddy!"

"I had never thought of getting a pet but Ana, my kitty, made me fall in love with her."
- Sweta Shenoy, image executive

Sweta was in a relationship for over 15 years but her married life lasted for only 2 years. She says dolefully, "I had full support of both my family and in-laws as I tried recuperating from the painful divorce from my unfaithful husband. But it was Ana, the stray kitten near my parents' place that became my true comforter."

Pets can find out the missing links and be the best pacifier. Sweta reminisces, "Her incessant gestures from getting cuddled up on my feet to nuzzling my chin, waking me up and greeting me with joy made me feel loved and needed in the phase where I needed love and cheering up the most."

"My daughter and my pet complete my forlorn life."
- Ruchika Mitra, primary school teacher

Ruchika was abandoned by her in-laws for giving birth to a girl child. She got divorced when her daughter was hardly a year old. She recounts, "I didn't want to be a burden on my parents after my divorce. So, I decided to stay in a rented house close to theirs and bought a 2 year old lab, named Dhiru.

She believes that pets bear a sense of responsibility and have the ability to pep you up during your toughest times. "While I was away for work, Dhiru used to be with my daughter. He taught me what selfless love and care without expectation is all about. I believe I could have never regained normal life if I did not have his support," laments Ruchika.

"Keeping a pet is about recreating the family sentiments, companionship and a reason to come home for someone who loves you unconditionally."
- Dr Silloo Bhagwager, Mumbai based practicing vet

Having pets is all about the 'feel good factor'. Dr Silloo confirms, "Humans have a basic need to give, share and care for others. As pets are non-judging and unconditionally devoted, they pamper our ego to an extent. In our woeful days, they unleash positive energy without holding any envious, malicious, or negative feelings."

About single women keeping pets, she says, "Pets can fill up the lives of people who may have gone through a loss or a tragedy and are great companions for people living alone. Just take care that there is a friend or a family member who can take care of your pet in your absence. While it brings in a sense of security, it also opens up avenues for new friendships with other pet lovers!" 

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Don’t be sad!

Do you often feel sad, lonely and depressed, especially during the winters? You are not alone. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), commonly known as winter blues is a mood disorder which affects 10-15% of the global population. Registered Dietician Preethi Rahul helps you shrug away the SAD feeling! 

Eat wisely
Lack of sunshine can cause vitamin D deficiency particularly in the winter months. Up the "D" by adding more Vitamin D rich foods (though most of the D comes from sunshine) like salmons, sardines, eggs, fortified milk and shiitake mushrooms. Sweet meats, cakes, pastries -all the fat and sugar laden desserts are known to be comfort foods that can provide instantaneous temporary relief from depression which is common in winter. Thus watch your sugar intake. Substitute sweets with whole fruits that are naturally sweet. Dehydration is also common in winter as people tend to feel less thirsty. Increase your fluid intake. 

Be "warm"
Wearing bright coloured clothes, painting your room in warm shades, having bright coloured foods can make you feel great and prevent any depressive symptoms that can arise with the seasonal change. Going out and socialising with people, hanging out with friends, engrossing in some winter adventure sports like skiing or ice skating are effective activities that can prevent the blues from setting in.

Get moving
Your exercise schedule invariably goes for a toss with the cold wave setting in. But it's very important to exercise in winter. According to researchers at Cornell University, exercise has the same therapeutic effect as 2.5 hours of light treatment indoors. Force yourself into 15 to 20 minutes of dancing to the radio or brisk walking. Exercising increases the serotonin levels that can fight depression and can also prevent those flabs from piling during the winter.

Light away the blues
Light therapy is one of the most commonly used treatments to fight away winter blues. A hot glowing body of flame can definitely make you feel warm, comfortable and release the feel good endorphins that will elevate your mood. Sitting in front of a fluorescent light box that delivers an intensity of 10,000 lux can produce substantial relief for Seasonal Affective Disorder. Light therapy can be as effective as an antidepressant medication for mild to moderate depression.

Cut down your screen time
Research has shown that those who are addicted to the internet or television or video games, tend to have a higher degree of depression and anxiety. Cut down your screen time and indulge in some activity that you love doing. Creative activities such as dancing, singing, painting, and the like are good activities. Watching some sad gloomy soap or death and destruction on screen can heighten the depressing feeling. Watch something that will lighten up your mood!

5 skin-care mistakes you may be committing

Did you know that massaging your face in a circular motion could add visible years to your skin? It moves excess fluid around and stretches the skin, massaging in lines, making you look older. Sheetal Anand gets experts to help you identify and eliminate such mistakes from your carefully inculcated cleansing, toning, and moisturising routine to help you achieve maximum results 

1. Cleansing is supposed to remove dirt and grime, nothing more
Normally in a regular salon, heavy cream cleansers are used, which eventually spoil the pH of the skin. One needs to be careful about the kind of cleanser being used. It should not be too strong as all it needs to do is cleanse your face of daily grime. Dr Narmada Matang, dermatologist, Kaya Skin Clinic, says, "One of the most common mistakes is washing the face too often as this robs the skin of its essential oils. Using strong fruit acids directly on the skin, like papain from papaya and citric acid from lemon or orange, are also a no-no, as it can lead to dryness, peeling, inflammation and pigmentation."

2. Get your skin massaged, not kneaded 
Dr Jaishree Sharad, International Cosmetic Dermatologist, warns, "Improper face massage using inappropriate products, may lead to folliculitis or hair follicle infection. An outbreak of whiteheads, blackheads and pus pimples can also occur, as massage stimulates oil-secreting sebaceous glands." Inappropriate massaging leads to breaking of capillaries and veins, causing soreness or redness. Plus, the skin may feel uneasy, stretched and taut. Also, while steaming, one should prefer ozone to regular steam as it is not only anti-bacterial but also improves circulation.

3. It's not a floor scrub, it's a face scrub
Kaneeka Vijay Kumar, Director, Jeevaa Skin Care and K Kosmetix, says, "While scrubbing, if the strokes are rough or the scrub is not evenly granulated, the epidermis could develop tears leading to rash, brazing and pigmentation. Light aqueous based scrubs or exfoliators, which are not only gentle on the surface of the skin, but also maintain the pH of the skin, are recommended. "What one needs to remember is that scrubs should not be used more than once a week or applied with too much pressure. Remember, excess exfoliation causes sensitivity, rash and acne. This is especially true during a skin treatment.

4. There are no quick fixes for acne
Dr Jamuna Pai, Cosmetologist, Blush Clinics Pvt. Ltd. Mumbai identifies common mistakes that could lead to serious trouble. "Firstly, never resort to extraction and pinching of active acne. It can get aggravated and infected. Even in a beauty clinic, it has to be under strict guidance of a medical practitioner. Secondly, never try waxing to eliminate facial hair. You may have a sudden breakout of acne, which means big trouble. Third, do not use topical creams, with active ingredients, for quick-fix cures. These, when overused, excessively dry your skin and cause redness. Four, do not try remedies blindly just because they are on the net or in a magazine. Remember, everyone's skincare needs are different. What works for one may not work for the other."

5. Follow simple dos to keep your skin hydrated 
Make moisturising your dictum. Ensure your skin is not under-hydrated by regular application of moisturiser and by consuming adequate fluids. This is especially important for those engaged in professions where workplace temperatures are constantly fluctuating. Also make sure you avoid very hot showers as this can lead to dehydration.

"Applying sunscreen should be your mandatory routine. Make sure you use it in sufficient quantity and reapply every 3 hours. Research indicates that regardless of the SPF, sunscreens can protect for no more than 3 hours. Also, keep in mind, that sunscreens protect your skin from harmful UV rays but do nothing to prevent tanning," adds Dr Jamuna.

Your sari’s better half

Megha Bajaj, 23, modelBody type: Hour glass 
"The corset gives the look such a contemporary feel and makes my figure look like a perfect 10"

The style for you 

• A choli lends itself excellently to a proportionate figure.
• A style that works best and complements your curves is the corset-style choli. It fits like a second skin, cinching your small waist and showing off your figure to its advantage. 
• A deep V-neck choli also goes really well with this body type. It will give you a nice elongated look, and also make your face look narrower. 
• Also try sweetheart necklines. They're a great way to enhance your curves. 
• You can pair the choli with a lehenga or a sari, depending on what you're more comfortable in. With a sari, opt for a shorter corset and wear the pallu pleated narrowly.
• A longer corset looks better paired with a lehenga. If the corset is heavily embellished, skip the dupatta and go for some interesting neck or arm accessories. 

Sunaina Cariappa, 22, event management student
Body type: Pear-shaped
"This is such a great way to drape a sari. It's doing a good job of showing off my figure in all the right places."

The style for you 

• The thing to remember while picking a blouse for this body type is to go for a neckline that elongates the neck and broadens the shoulders. This helps create the illusion of a more proportionate figure.
• A square-necked choli creates this illusion and also adds an angle to your face, if your face is round. 
• Pair the choli with a darker sari. This shifts focus from your problem areas. 
• To make the look more stylish, drape the pallu around your neck like a scarf, instead of wrapping it the usual way. This will also draw focus to your shoulders. 
• Earrings are a great way to accessorise this look. Adding a waist band in a darker metal is a good way to accessorise and makes your body look slimmer.

Ayushi Kaul, 25, marketing project manager
Body type: Apple-shaped
"I'm usually so conscious in Indian wear, especially if it's a lehenga, but I feel beautiful in this outfit."

The style for you 

• If you belong to this body type, pick a choli that doesn't make you look heavier on the top. 
• A halter neck blouse is a good style for you, as it gives support and draws attention away from your chest, to your shoulders and arms. 
• You can wear a halter neck blouse with a sari or a lehenga. Pick a blouse that isn't too short; this will look and fit better. 
• Avoid wearing the sari or lehenga very low on your waist, or you will only emphasise the disproportion between your upper body and your lower body. 
• An A-line silhouette works best. It doesn't hug your lower body and gives you a more proportionate look. 

Beauty in the Mind

'Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder' - This is absolutely true if you are question what beauty is because the definition of beauty differs from person to person. Beauty in the mind is the most important thing because beauty is skin deep. In order to be beautiful you have to be beautiful from inside and then outside. You cannot achieve a beautiful you in just two sessions in the parlor. This type of beauty will only come from kind words and a pure heart and soul. 

Beauty in the mind is a very beautiful concept and is nothing out of the ordinary. Some has been gifted with good looks but the question is do they have a good heart which makes them beautiful from inside as well. So what is more important is it the beauty in the mind or the external beauty? If you are not in the beauty industry then you can afford to look a little less gorgeous. Nobody would really mind if you don't have the perfect eyes or lips.

More important is whether you can stay beautiful from inside. You will have to change yourself a lot if you want to achieve this. First ask yourself when was the last act of random kindness you did? Was it yesterday? Then may you are on the right track. You can start of by being kind to people and help the disappointed and sad souls. Your words can bring about a great difference in someone's world. 

Nowadays children are bombarded by the images of ideal beauty as size zero figures and hence they try to go for crash diets. But is it really beautiful. Being skinny is not very beautiful. Women with well developed features look much better. Beauty is defined in different senses in each and every place. Some consider pale skin to be beautiful and some consider dark skin to be better. So basically it depends on what an individual thinks. 

The thinking also depends upon many factors. The similarity of thoughts often depends upon certain criteria like geographic location, mindset, peer group, neighbor, family and folks tend to influence your decisions and concept about ideal beauty. But shouldn't there be one unanimous opinion about what is ideal beauty. The debate will continue forever whether external beauty is more important or the beauty in the mind. 

Some people are obsessed about ideal beauty and often it becomes into an unhealthy obsession. Everybody craves to be beautiful but do they actually what is beauty? In this world having both is important. But more importantly it is the beauty in the mind which receives greater importance because that makes you an ideal person too. 

Just because you are beautiful from inside does not mean that you will not try look presentable. Your physical appearance cannot be changed but at least if you dress nicely and apply light make up and tie up your hair nicely your physical appearance will also be a perfect 10 along with your internal beauty. But do you know how you can bring out your inner beauty. Beauty in the mind can include a lot of things be it your self confidence, personality and your soul. 

As the saying goes 'It's all in the mind'. Think beautiful and you will have the ability to find beauty in every individual, for beauty is not just apparent but it is a phenomenon that goes beyond all things that you view. Seek beauty and you will find it in all creations round you. A beautiful mind is the essence of a great personality. In fact it is an integral part of one's personae. The aesthetic aspect of an individual develops in a manner directly proportional to beauty in the mind. So the key to a glowing skin is not just creams, lotions, and facials, packs and scrubs, but a mind is immaculate. 

Bring Out Your Inner Beauty

Beauty is all about confidence, personality and how nice you are to others. It is not a big deal you can easily be nice to people but the essence you really have to mean it and not pretend. But the common question asked by everyone for that matter is how do you achieve it? But this issue is relative. Do some soul searching and you will know how you can aptly bring out your inner beauty. The best to start off your change is your home. If it is an honest effort you can change into a little miracle. Just think about it isn't it going to be wonderful? So start your efforts from today to change yourself into a better you. Bring out the best in you and see how the world reacts. You will be amazed how wonderful you are. 

Stay Beautiful from Within

Never judge a person by its external appearance. Physical beauty is superficial. Are you wondering how you can achieve beauty in the mind? Yes it is definitely not easy but you can always try. Go for yoga classes for instance or even try meditation. You will have a calm and relaxed soul. Then start working on yourself. First analyze what are the changes you can make so that you can change into a better you'. Then begin with the process slowly as remember no change can be brought about in one day, a change is a slow a gradual process. 

To obtain beauty in the mind, purification of the soul is essential. Discover yourself, go deep down into your subconscious, ask yourself pertinent questions related to self realization and you will emerge an elevated soul. Let not material things trouble you, try not to covet earthly pleasures, go into the spiritual mode, by meditating and you will explore the real person in you, for happiness is really a state of mind. You may stay contented with the most trivial of things and accept life in a positive way which you only can when your mind undergoes a transformation. For only a beautiful mind thinks positively. 

Developing Dress Sense

Most of us love to flick through a fashion magazine and appreciate the new fashions and styles but very few would go out and invest in them.

We buy clothes that appeal to our innate sense. And we hardly give a passing thought as to why we choose the clothes that we do. Dressing right is more complicated than just putting to pieces of clothing together.

Our dressing habit is influenced by not just our function or job role in the society; it is developed by what we see, feel and experience around us in the course of our life.

To begin with it is the family that we are born into. Dressing in this case is influenced by our family's outlook whether it is orthodox or liberal. 

According to Dr Samir Parikh, Psychiatrist, our upbringing does influence the choice of dress till a certain age. But we start moving out and getting exposure, we tend to drop our inhibitions and wear what feels appropriate to our present lifestyle. As we grow and learn to make our own decisions, our sense of dressing evolves and we wear things that make us feel good and help us blend in with our peers.

Dressing and looking pretty is also about a woman's blossoming and growing up. As a young girl or even a young woman dressing comes under parental direction. Only when she marries or goes out to follow her career does she get space to develop her sense of dressing.

Blending In

While individualistic styles are what everybody talks about, but none of us really like to be so drastic so as to invite unwanted criticism. The common desire is to be able to create a statement without standing out as a different being. This is a very tough task that most of us are trying hard to achieve. Adds Dr Parikh, "Wearing an attire is a reflection of our social life. Most women prefer to wear socially appropriate clothes. They are always looking for reaction to their clothing. It impacts the mind set of the woman if others react in a certain way to what a she is wearing." 

Influences On Dressing

While growing up, women develop their sense of dressing from about four or five key factors around them. We learn from observation. According to sociologists reasons like high media exposure, life course, peer-group help develop our dressing habits in a major way. "I would say the key parameter that effects the way women dress is what is portrayed in the media. Somehow they make you feel that what is being shown is the only right thing to wear. Today more than ever the exposure to high fashion that women get through media persuade them to buy clothes that mimic what is shown," informs Dr Parikh.

While our dressing sway towards orthodoxy or liberal depends on how we were brought up but the decision to follow trends or stick to conventional clothes is more from the outside than innate. It is a well-known fact that women, in order to follow certain fashion trends, willingly give up their comfort (or common sense). 

The other key parameter that defines dressing is a woman's course in life. That is her age and her family and status. What is amazing to see in India is that really expensive women, women who wear the maximum jewelry and finery at any occasion are the older women. You will see younger women dressed more modestly than their older counterparts. It is a sort of social statement. 

With increasing self-awareness, women today have also taken up dressing as a weapon of attraction. Our dressing sense is developed by a fair amount of peer pressure and our need to attract others. There is also a certain sexual element in dressing. Though not to the extent like in the West, Indian women have also started dressing up to attract sexual partners. While our statistics may be lower than that in the West, but more and more Indian women know the importance of looking good when meeting their prospective partners.

So in conclusion we can say that dressing up and grooming is about developing one's sense of self worth and feeling a sense of power. Taking an example from everyday life, the days when we dress up in clothes and colours that we perceive as suitable to us, we not only feel but also exude confidence. But if we were to wear attire that we perceive as not complementary to our sense of style, we automatically seem to feel diffident.